HEAD - Higher Education Accreditation Division
HEAD is an independent accreditation body with a license issued by the German authorized as an accreditation awarding body adapt with international regulations for higher education sector such as European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) and Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.

The Legal entity of United Kingdom
London Language College (LLC) is a UK-registered institution with licensed Number: 12984475

UK government’s ESFA – the Education and Skills Funding Agency
United Kingdom
London Language College (LLC) has registered UK government’s ESFA – the Education and Skills Funding Agency

UK Register of Learning Providers
London Language College (LLC) has UK Register of Learning Providers No.10087369

Learning Resource Network
United Kingdom
All CEFR English is cooperate with LRN which is fully recognized by Ofqual UK.Gov

Modern Language Association of America
The London Academy of Sciences is a member of Modern Language Association of America. For over a hundred years the Modern Language Association and its members have worked to strengthen the study and teaching of language and literature.